The Chrysalis Experience

Who should attend a 

Chrysalis Flight Weekend:


 if anyone is in Christ, 

the new creation has come. 

The old has gone, 

the new is here." 

2 Cor. 5:17

What to expect 

on a Chrysalis Flight:

This retreat is a 3 day short course in Christianity.

Each teen will have the opportunity to experience

God's Grace through 15 talks, small group discussion, 

laughter, worship, singing, & fellowship.

Together, participants will discover how grace is real

in their life, how to live a life of grace, 

and how to show grace to others.

The opportunity to participate in Holy Communion

 will be given daily.

A Chrysalis Flight is open 

to any persons from any denomination.

To attend a Chrysalis Flight, teens must be 15-18 in grades 10-12, or recent HS graduates.

Chrysalis is intended to develop young Christian 

leaders in local churches who: